Burton Leonard Church of England Primary School

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National Poetry Day 3.10.24

Merlin Class were inspired by the 10 year old West Yorkshire Young Poet Laureate, Alina Bradar. She inspired us to think about what counts and how we can make our voices count. Check out our amazing poems we wrote below!

My Voice Counts


 Harvest Festival

Merlin Class had a wonderful time singing our Harvest rendition of George Ezra's Shotgun - "Now that Harvest time's come" - fab job Merlins!



Roll Up and Read 26.9.24

We loved having our parents and grandparents join us for reading time this morning!


Chicks in Merlin Class!

We adored having a visit from Henry's chicks - Fire, Peppa Pig and Dinosaur Keeper! Thank you Mrs Heptonstall for bringing them to see us!


Merlin Class

Class Teacher: Mrs Heys & Mrs Hawkes

Support Staff: Mr Stace

PE Days: Tuesday and Thursday

Year 2 Forest School Dates: 28th Mar, 4th Apr, 25th Apr, 2nd May and 9th

Homework Expectations in Merlin Class

 Maths - Numbots practice daily. Aiming for at least 10 mins of regular practice per day. We will move on TT Rockstars in the Summer Term.

Reading - Children read with an adult in school 3 x a week and then that book comes home with them on a Friday to continue practising and sharing with you. This enables children to develop confidence and fluency as well as being able to try out their expression and mastery of the text. Please aim to listen to your child as much as possible, at least 3 x a week. Record any reading you do with your child in their yellow reading record. We also want our Year 2 pupils to be reading for pleasure every single day at home. In Year 2 this might be sharing a book together at bedtime, a parent reading a book, children looking at a book independently or children reading to an adult. 

Spelling - Spelling books will go back out each Friday with a new set of spellings that relate to the spelling lessons through the week. Books to be handed in by Thursday so that they can be sent home with the new words.

Merlin Class Timetable

merlin class timetable.pdf


friday 4th october 2024.pdf



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